Learn to Skate in private lessons throughout the season! Lessons available for individuals as well as groups. Hours are M-F weekdays 12:00noon through evening hours and also Saturday and Sunday mornings. Lessons by appointment only. To schedule a lesson, contact coaches below:

Learn to Skate Instructors:
Rebecca Giroux, Meghan Neary, and Felicia Marie Lopez
Hour Lesson Fee:
$45 for one person
$50 for two people
$55 for three people
$60 for four people
$65 for five or more people
Lesson Packages
3 lessons for $120 (save $15)
6 lessons for $240 (save $30)
Skate Rental $6.00 per person
Rebecca Giroux learned to skate in Billerica, MA starting at age 5 and went on to skate competitively locally and regionally. She volunteered at the rink in Billerica MA where she learned to skate and taught in Chelmsford & Burlington with the FMC Ice Sports for four (4) years. Having taught both group and private lessons, Rebecca has the skills, experience and passion to teach patrons of the Providence Rink how to learn to skate.
Email Rebecca to schedule your lesson to Learn to Skate!
Meghan Neary fell in love with skating when she was 5. She has 10 years competitive experience in both synchronized skating and ice dance. She has volunteered with a nonprofit organization teaching inner city youths along with teaching at a Learn to Skate program.Meghan is a USFSA certified basic skills instructor with 4 years of coaching experience in both group and private lessons. Visit Meghan's facebook page!
Email Meghan to schedule your lesson to Learn to Skate!
Felicia Marie Lopez has been skating since 2001. She started the understudy teaching program in 2009 at the EJ Murray Memorial Skating Center in Yonkers, NY. She synchronize skated from 2008-2011 and is ISI certified. In 2013, Felicia Marie started teaching lessons and has experience teaching both group and private lessons.
Email Felicia Marie or call 914.356.0532 to schedule your lesson to Learn to Skate!